Responding to COVID-19 April 2021
We appreciate you visiting and want to protect your health and safety, and comply with requirements related to the current pandemic.
So we will:
- Provide hand washing and rubbish facilities
- Regularly disinfect surfaces such as basket handles, tables and toilets
- Regulate entry and cashier access to ensure group size and social distancing
We ask that you:
- Only visit if you are well and have not been in known contact with someone who been diagnosed with coronavirus, or are required to self-isolate.
- Practise good hand hygiene
- Travel here with no more than two people in a vehicle unless a family (Max. 2 adults) if this is the advice prevailing when you visit
- Maintain this group size while here and a minimum separation of 1.5 metres
- Avoid physical contact with others
And specifically:
- Bag your fruit outside on the tables
- Better still use your own bags
- One person at a time at the cashier
- We have EFTPOS with Tap & Go facilities
Our business is growing fruit and selling it directly to our wonderful customers – not tourism. We require you to purchase no less than $40 of fruit, which is what our regular customers buy. Picnics are limited to booked school groups only.